
Page 198 now online!

Well! That’s quite enough intimate kissing by candlelight. Back to dudes carping at each other in a well-lit library. Oh, statuary, will I ever tire of using you to mark scene transitions? Survey says no.

Some things of note this week! First off, everybody should go buy Barry Deutsch’s wonderful book Hereville! Barry is a friend and a top-notch cartoonist, and Hereville is his lovely, witty, unusual, most-ages book about an 11 year-old Orthodox Jewish girl using her chutzpah to outwit some seriously cranky foes. (Bonus: I posed in reference photos for a lot of things Mirka does. It was super fun.) Pair it with Raina Telgemeier’s Smile as a holiday or bar/bat mitzah gift for that smart, funny kid you know and you’ll create a comics reader for life.

Secondly: I’ll be at New England Webcomics Weekend (#NEWW on Twitter) in Easthampton, MA. I’m really looking forward to this one – it promises a lot of quality time with readers and fellow creators, something that rarely happens at bigger commercial shows. If you’re in the area, please buy a ticket and come enjoy some of the internet’s finest.