All contents ©Dylan Meconis 2018.

volume one

Family Man pre-orders are live!

Created: 05 Apr 2010 / Categories: Books, Family Man

The time is upon us, or rather, me:  the first two chapters of Family Man are coming into print as Family Man Volume I.

I’ve drawn two complete chapters, learned through experience how to design, print, publish, and ship books.  All that remains is for me to finishing laying out the book and design a really snappy cover!

Book Only!

Oh, yes, well, also, to raise the moneyIt’s going to cost me $10,000 US to print this book the way it deserves, and I’m just too much of a self-employed 26 year-old artist to have that kind of scratch lying around the house.

So I need your help. For the last four years I’ve kept the comic 100% free of advertising and have never solicited donations to keep it running.  If you’ve enjoyed it and have been looking for a way to support the project, this is your chance. I’ve put together a bunch of packaged options for pre-ordering the book, to suit any budget and degree of fervor, and I think they are genuinely pretty damn cool. You will like them!  They are neat!

So, without further ado:

Pre-order your copy now.
