Preview of Page 186

Page 168 now online!

Oh hey here is a page!  Whew.

It was done on the heels of a genuinely wonderful book launch party! Thank you to everybody who came by Floating World Comics – the place was packed from start to finish. I am aglow that this mad, unpitchable tale and its frazzled maker have such good friends and supporters out there. So many tiny, suspiciously enthusiastic Luthers were drawn in book covers!  It’s odd to see that character look so chipper, but I couldn’t help it – we both had a good night.

Here is a photo of me being super classy during a whole fifteen second lull, taken by national treasure Mike Russell:

Super Classy!

Next up: for most of next week I’ll be at the San Diego Comic-Con, at Small Press table #M-09! I’ll be accompanied by my usual partner-in-crime Erika Moen.  I’ll also be on the Comics After Paper panel on Saturday from 4-5 in Room 3, hosted by my friend Douglas Wolk.  Yes, that is right; somebody who just turned a webcomic into a print comic is talking about comics not for print.  Holla!

I am also slowly but steadily sending out those pre-orders – after Comic-Con the factory goes into full swing as I get several uninterrupted weeks of sketching, packing, watercoloring, and mailing time.  Man, it already sounds good.