
Page 157 now online!

Hm, I wish I had a little more time to fidget around with this one, but a rampant cold, a sudden and violent rush on Grammar Nerd stickers, and preparing for APE got in the way.  But regardless, this page is a change of pace even from all the pace-changing that’s been happening of late.  So close to the end of the chapter, guys!  Sooooo cloooooooose.

APE! You’ve heard all this before, but just in case you missed it – I’ll be at Table 440 with Kate Beaton l’infame. Topatoco have carefully delineated where we will be on this handy map. Thanks, lads! Bless them and their ways.

I’ll be there all weekend, with the last thirty or so copies of the first printing of Bite Me! (plus special deals for those who pre-order the 2nd printing) and all kindsa merchandise and original art and also I will do sketches for a low low price until my hands fall off.  I also have work up at the Cartoon Art Museum.

This is my last convention of the year thank goodness, and it looks to be a very fun one.  I’ll see some of you there!