Family Man Page 140 preview

Page 140 of Family Man now online!


No wild tip-offs in this page: but some useful insight into who the Rector is.  Also:  lots of dead stuff!  Yay dead stuff!

Next week: what the Rector was doing in between Universities.  (Wild tip-offs: possible.)

Notes for pages 131-140 will go up this weekend, per tradition.  Rather than spending my evening seeing Star Trek a second time with my friends, I spent it researching the history of wig-powdering and Reform theology.  I can’t tell if this makes me more, or less, of a total dweeb.

Other news: I am finally well(ish), so shipments of Bite Me! are now going out at a regular clip.  I hope to work my way up to present-day on domestic orders very soon, and then send out stuff to all you international types in one big orgy of customs forms.

Thank you to everybody who’s ordered the book!  It’s been a lot of fun sending it out into the world.